New Technology Active at Rose Park Veterans Memorial in the City of Kalamazoo
Kalamazoo, MI—Tuesday, August 7, 2018—The partnership that came together to solve the problem of maintaining an accurate inventory of the over 5,000 veteran memorial bricks located in the Rose Park Veterans Memorial in the City of Kalamazoo is pleased to announce new technology is available live!
New Technology Active at Rose Park Veterans Memorial in the City of Kalamazoo
Kalamazoo, MI—Tuesday, August 7, 2018—The partnership that came together to solve the problem of maintaining an accurate inventory of the over 5,000 veteran memorial bricks located in the Rose Park Veterans Memorial in the City of Kalamazoo is pleased to announce new technology is available by following this link:
Rose Park is a beautiful memorial dedicated to veterans and is located on the Kalamazoo River at the East Gateway to the City of Kalamazoo. Since 1991, the park has been a special community project for the Rotary Club of Kalamazoo-Sunrise. The Rotary Club led efforts to construct the memorial and beautify the park; making the Rose Park Veterans Memorial a reality on Veterans Day, November 11, 2001. Since then family and friends of veterans have purchased 2,281 brick pavers to memorialize individual veterans. The bricks typically contain the veteran’s name, branch of service, rank and dates of service. There are currently 1,727 bricks available for purchase. 
Rotary Club of Kalamazoo-Sunrise member and past president, Joanna I. Johnson shared, “We are truly excited to share this new modern easy-to-use system. Families will be able to find their loved ones easier. It will also be easier for those interested in memorializing a loved one to inquire on how to purchase a brick.”
“We are grateful to the partners in this project for making the vision for improvement a reality,” added Johnson. Partners in the project include: the Rotary Club of Kalamazoo-Sunrise, the City of Kalamazoo Parks Department and the team at Wightman.
Citizens interested in purchasing new bricks are encouraged to use the link:
Or visit the Rotary Club web site where they can place their order. To learn more visit: